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Social Innovations/ESG Membership: Onboarding
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Member's Name
How would you describe your area of expertise?
This group's first whitepaper dove into Legal Tech as a potential access to justice (A2J) remedy. Are there other aspects of the A2J crisis you think we should probe?
Your response here is both optional and confidential.
What qualities, in your view, differentiate genuine "ESG" from marketing spin/greenwashing?
Your response here is both optional and confidential. Clarifying these litmus tests/frameworks helps us to champion innovative solutions that resonate with our membership.
Are there specific innovations, strategies, opportunities, research areas, or organizations that you'd like to see us spotlight?
What level of involvement would you prefer? (Check all that apply)
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Our membership includes high-performing leaders and academics. Their bandwidth for involvement varies. Therefore, it's useful to know what level of involvement you'd prefer in our content creation and events so we can curate our communications.
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